Monday, March 21, 2011

EA Sports Active NFL Training Camp - 60 Day Challenge Complete!

Good morning, blog readers. This morning marks the successful completion of my EA Sports Active NFL Training Camp 60 Day Challenge on the Wii. Unfortunately, the last few workouts haven't synced up property with the EA servers, so I can't show you my graphs and whatnot like I usually do. For some reason, the challenge actually ended up being 63 days. I was expecting to be done on Friday, but the workout calendar showed workouts through today (Monday), and the game even said "Day 63" when I logged in this morning. Oh well, the last two workouts were actually easier than the ones leading up to them.

Okay, so now that I'm done, how do I feel? How much weight did I lose? What am I going to do next?

One question at a time. Did I lose weight? Actually, no. I am right in the same weight range as when I started (6'0", around 183-185 lbs). Hmmm. I think the key here is that I'm in a lot better shape and I'm a healthier 185 lbs than when I started. My legs, arms, and core are all visibly more toned, and I feel stronger. I know the old adage of muscle weighs more than fat sounds a bit trite, but it is true. I think I still have some excess fat to burn, but I'm overall happier with how my body looks compared to when I started. I think if I can keep this up for another month, the results will start to show even more.

How do I feel about the whole experience? Overall, great. 60 days is a good amount of time to commit to a workout program, and I want to see if I can keep with it for even longer. I really like the variety of cardio, upper body, lower body, and core exercises and how the challenge kept upping the intensity with each workout. It always felt like I was working really hard. Considering you can pick this up for around $40 as of the time I am writing this, I'd say there's no reason not to. I used to pay that much each month for my gym, and I think that is on the lower end of the pricing spectrum for gyms. I really enjoy being able to workout in the comfort of my own living room and still feel like I'm getting an intense and balanced workout.

What am I going to do next? Well, I'm going to try out some other Wii fitness software, but I'm definitely going to keep NFL Training Camp as my main workout for now. I'll dive into the custom workouts and see if I can still challenge myself and stay motivated in the future. I'd like to keep up 3-4 days a week of high intensity workouts. Hopefully I can get the connectivity issues resolved with the EA servers and I can post some graphs of my final workouts. Thanks for reading, and I'll keep posting on Wii exercise related topics.


  1. Nice going Drew. Enjoyed reading your posts. I'm about 10 days behind you in completing my program, but I'm really having to bust my butt to get it done, as I missed a couple of weeks with vacation/flu. It's tough to do two-a-days in phase three! Like you, I found this to be a fun, different way to maintain fitness through the winter months. Anyhow...way to go!

  2. on my second 60 day challenge with it, enjoy it, have gotten all my stickers and helmets but curious did u ever figure out how to get practice field 1 and 2 goals done?

    never could figure that out myself.
