Friday, January 28, 2011

UFC Personal Trainer coming to Wii/Kinect/Move in April 2011

Well, today is a scheduled rest day in my NFL Training Camp 60 day challenge. Its a welcome rest day since I was definitely feeling the effect of all those jump squats while I was coming down the stairs in my house this morning. I wanted to make a quick post about a new fitness game coming out in a few months. There isn't a lot of info available, but THQ is releasing a UFC themed fitness game on the Wii, Kinect, and Move called UFC Personal Trainer in April of this year.

Details are sparse at this point, so I'll have to reserve any sort of judgment until I can find out more or maybe see some clips of the game in action, but I'm tentatively excited to see another fitness game that has a decidely "male" appeal to it. There certainly aren't a shortage of fitness type games on the market, but so many of them seem targeted at females. Obviously a guy can still do these workouts, but something about having a more masculine theme seems more appealing to me, which probably explains why I'm so far sticking with NFL Training Camp, whereas the generic themes of EA Sports Active and Wii Fit didn't keep me drawn in. If I see a dance workout game, or something with Jillian Michaels on the cover I'll pass, thanks.

Do other guys out there feel the same way? I know you're not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but I don't want to feel embarassed by the workout I'm doing. I'd feel kind of emasculated to admit I'm doing an aerobics routine with a virtual Jenny McCarthy. [Okay, there is not supposed to be any innuendo in that last sentence. There really is a family-friendly Wii workout game that features Jenny McCarthy]

I'll be sure to post more about the UFC title when more info becomes available, and I'm always keeping an eye out for news on any other upcoming Wii exercise titles. Back to the NFL workouts tomorrow. I'll post a detailed recap of my workout tomorrow so people can get a good idea of what a typical workout is like.

EDIT: Just read this article on Joystiq:

Looks like it'll be out in June... maybe.

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